Systems Engineering

Nowadays, many technical and engineering products are equipped with electrotechnical and automation components. Subsequently, the significance of control software is increasing to such an extent that interdisciplinary cooperation between the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science has become indispensable; today's technical systems must be conceived from the outset as integrated systems (software/hardware co-design). Thus, there is not only increasingly a need for graduates of individual disciplines to obtain supplementary qualifications in order to make the cooperation feasible, but also a demand for a separate generalised qualification in interdisciplinary systems development.
The master´s programme Systems Engineering targets and enrols students who have outstanding competences and gravitated towards natural science subjects and subjects in engineering and technology.

©I. Bacic ©H. Pegel/L. Langstädtler ©Universität Bremen ©Universität Bremen

The master´s programme Systems Engineering is carried out by the three faculties:

  • Faculty 01: Physics / Electrical Engineering,
  • Faculty 03: Mathematics / Computer Science, and
  • Faculty 04: Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering (leading faculty).

  • Thus, this master´s programme offers qualifications in the three main disciplines: electrical engineering, computer science and production technology, allowing students to study interdisciplinary and providing them a wide overview of technical systems. Due to the fact that this programme defines four specializations, students are given the opportunity to gain a very specific knowledge in one or more areas of:
  • automation and robotics,
  • embedded systems and system software,
  • mechatronics, and
  • production engineering.
  • A master´s programme is already research-oriented. In Systems Engineering, every specialization may be completed in the (optional) “Research Deepening (See PDF) field of study that has even a greater focus on scientific work and research, proving students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge in scientific work during their master´s studies.
    For more information about the curriculum, the specializations and the courses see under Structure.

    Systems Engineering graduates are awarded with the title Master of Science, M.Sc.
    The Master´s studies qualify for admission to doctoral studies and further career steps in a scientific and research-oriented working environment.
    Some of the possible fields of activity after graduation are:
  • Industrial companies (for example mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering or vehicle technology such as motor vehicles, aircraft, ships): development / construction, technical EDP / organization, production (production / assembly / quality assurance), management;
  • Authorities and associations: TÜV, VDI, VDE, BG;
  • Services: Engineering offices, business consultancy, insurance;
  • Self-employment / entrepreneur;
  • Science / Research: University Research, DLR, Fraunhofer, AWI;
  • Teaching: university, college, schools.
  • The Faculty 4 Production Engineering at the University of Bremen offers the master’s courses “Systems Engineering I” and “Systems Engineering II” to enable applicants with different degrees to gain access. The “Systems Engineering I” master’s degree comprises 90 CP, which should be acquired in a standard study period of 3 semesters. This course is suitable for applicants with a first professional university degree with achievements of at least 210 credit points (credit points = CP). The “Systems Engineering II” master’s course comprises 120 CP, which should be acquired in a standard period of 4 semesters. This course is suitable for applicants with a first professional university degree with achievements of at least 180 CP (further information can be found in the Admission Regulations ).

    In both courses, students choose one of the following specializations in the first semester:

  • Automation technology and robotics,
  • Embedded systems and system software,
  • Mechatronics or
  • Production engineering.

  • Each specialization of the master’s degree can be completed in the study variant "research orientation". The research orientation modules are the research project module, the research fundamentals module and the master's thesis including a colloquium and written elaboration in publication form (see course schedule).

    Course content
    The master’s course of the 4-semester course “Systems Engineering II” is divided into five advanced modules in the first semester:

  • Basics of Systems Engineering
  • Systems Engineering advanced module
  • Advanced module production engineering
  • Advanced module electrical engineering
  • Advanced module computer science

  • In this part of the study you will learn the typical working methods of SE engineers in project work as well as the basics of systems engineering and the associated specialist disciplines. From the 2nd semester onwards, the course of study is identical to that of the 3-semester course "Systems Engineering I" with the following modules:

  • Integration modules (18 CP), in which a basis for studying in the chosen specialization is acquired;
  • Advanced modules (24 CP), in which the students are taught theoretical knowledge, subject-specific scientific principles, concepts and methods and job-related qualifications in the chosen specialization;
  • Modules in the supplementary area (18 CP), the specific knowledge of the subject systems engineering and an extension of the previously acquired knowledge and qualifications, which were not processed in the selected specialization;
  • Master thesis module (30 CP) can be completed in two variants.

  • Modules are carried out as compulsory and elective modules. Within the modules (except in the research project and research fundamentals modules), the courses assigned to the modules can be selected from a catalog (see the module handbook in the regulations and the range of events for the current semester in online course directory ).

    In addition to the classic forms of courses, lectures, exercises, laboratories, great importance is attached to the training of team-oriented working methods, which is conveyed in several projects. Great value is also placed on independent scientific work, which is particularly emphasized in the master’s degree in the field of study “research in depth”. There are no general studies courses in the curriculum of the Systems Engineering master’s program and no mandatory internship is defined.

    The master’s course can be completed in German. In addition to the research project and research fundamentals modules, students have the opportunity to attend a selection of courses. Since this selection is offered, the language of instruction (English or German) is defined by the individual choice of courses.

    The course plan II (1, 2) Site Name 1 The course plan is a recommendation. Modules can be attended in a different order.
    2 The curriculum for the 3-semester Systems Engineering I course is identical to the 2nd to 4th semester.

    Currently offered research projects
    The core of the master’s program is research-oriented. In the Systems Engineering master’s program, students have the opportunity to actively participate in research projects as part of their curriculum. To this end, a number of research projects are offered every semester.

    The currently offered research projects can be found here: Document with research projects

    Applications for both courses “Systems Engineering I” and “System Engineering II” are possible for the summer semester and winter semester. However, it is recommended to start the “Systems Engineering I” master’s course in the summer semester and the “Systems Engineering II” master’s course in the winter semester. The semester starts on April 1st and October 1st.

    Admission regulations
    admission regulations (“Aufnahmeordnund, in German)
    Regulation for German language proof and certificates („Ordnung über den Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse an der Universität Bremen“, in German)

    Course schedule
    Course schedule MPO SysEng I 2021
    Course schedule MPO SysEng II 2021
    Course schedule _ 2018
    Course schedule _ 2015

    Module Description:
    Module description _ 2021 (Modulhandbuch begleitend zur MPO Sys Eng I + II 2021)
    Module description _ 2018 (“Modulhandbuch begleitend zur MPO 2018, in German)
    o Module description _ 2015 and 2012 (“Modulhandbuch begleitend zur MPO 2015 bzw. 2012, in German)

    Examination Rules:
    Examination Rules of the University of Bremen („Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung der Universität Bremen“, in German)

    Neu im Juli 2021: Examination Rules Fachspezifische Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang „Systems Engineering I“ MPO 2021
    Neu im Juli 2021: Examination Rules Fachspezifische Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang „Systems Engineering II“ MPO 2021

    Examination Rules of the Master´s studies Systems Engineering 2018 (“Fachspezifische Master-Prüfungsordnung_ MPO 2018, in German)
    Änderungsordnung zur Masterprüfungsordnung 2018 (Modified Regulation)
    Regulation to change into the 2018 programme („Äquivalenztabelle des Wechsels in die MPO 2018, in German)

    Examination Rules of the Master´s studies Systems Engineering 2015 (“Fachspezifische Master-Prüfungsordnung_ MPO 2015, in German)
    Examination Rules of the Master´s studies Systems Engineering 2012 (“Fachspezifische Master-Prüfungsordnung_ MPO 2012, in German)

    External thesis
    Regulations regarding thesis outside Faculty 04 (“Externe Abschlussarbeiten in Fachbereich 04, in German)

    Info-Flyer about the Programme Systems Engineering published by the Central Student Advisory Service (“Infobroschüre der Zentralen Studienberatung, in German
    Flyer for Students („Flyer für Studierende“, in German)
    Forschungzentrum Bürogebäude (FZB)
    Badgasteiner Str. 1
    28359 Bremen
    with site plan

    Study programme advisor
    Dr. Stefan Patzelt
    Sprechzeiten: Mo-Fr nach Vereinbarung
    Phone: +49-421-218-66325

    Examination´s office
    Geschäftsstelle und Prüfungsamt
    Bianca Brazell
    Phone: +49 (0)421-218-64991

    Students´committee and union
    Students´committee Systems Engineering: StugA SE - Studentische Vertretung im Studiengang
    Building IW 1+2, Raum 1310
    Phone: +49 (0)421-218-64783
    Online office hours: reachable via

    (general) Student union: Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)

    Contact person for the for Specializatios
    Automation and Robotics
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Michels
    Embedded Systems und System Software
    Prof. Dr. Ute Bormann
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nando Kaminski
    Produktion Engineering
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Carsten Heinzel
    The Systems Engineering master’s degree is free of admission. The application is made via the application portal of the University of Bremen.
    The course can be started in the winter semester as well as in the summer semester. The application deadline for the winter semester is July 15, for the summer semester January 15.

    The admission requirements for the Master's degree in Systems Engineering are:
  • A first professionally qualified university degree with at least 210 CP (or 170 CP at the time of application) in the following disciplines: electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, production engineering, systems engineering or a discipline with no significant differences in content or scope and requirements for the listed disciplines.
  • In the first degree, at least 12 CP must be earned from each of the following disciplines: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science.
  • German language skills that meet the generally applicable requirements for the University of Bremen regarding German language skills (see "Regulations on the proof of German language skills at the University of Bremen").
  • English language skills that correspond to at least level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Evidence is also provided if the last university degree was obtained in English.
  • A letter of motivation, which justifies your special interest in the subject Systems Engineering and should contain the following information:
  • - the presentation of previous engineering study and research experience in the three disciplines of mechanical engineering/production engineering, electrical engineering and computer science,
    - Justification of the interest in the course profile of the Master's course in Systems Engineering,
    - Presentation of your own study interests in the Master's degree in Systems Engineering,
    - Presentation of the desired professional orientation,
    - Representation of any relevant professional experience acquired after the first degree.
    Further information on the individual certificates and deadlines can be found in the Admission Regulations for the Systems Engineering course.

    The information about the admission requirements for the master's program in Systems Engineering refers to the summer semester 2016. The information about the study requirements is subject to change. They are an excerpt from the admission regulations of February 24, 2016. For your application, please note that admission restrictions and admission regulations can change every year.

    Current information can be found on the website

    Presentation for freshmen: Master_SE-InfoPPT.pdf.

    Students enrolled in the master´s programme Systems Engineering should sign in for the “Masters Systems Engnieering-group via Stud.IP to receive all information regarding their current studies. Group name (in German): „Master Systems Engineering (WiSe 2017/2018 - unbegrenzt)“

    The course catalogue for the ongoing semester can been seen here: Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität Bremen / The Unversity of Bremen´s Course Catalogue.

    FAQ Questions and answers for enrollment and freshmen